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Adult Growth Groups | Growth Central

Adult Growth Groups

Thrive Marriage

Family is at the heart of the Kingdom of God and it is in our heart as well.  The Thrive Marriage ministry seeks to affirm God’s plan for marriages and preserving the home through nurturing, partnership, prayer, and honest communication.

SOLO Singles

Through exciting activities and life-changing Bible studies, S.O.L.O. offers opportunities to develop close friendships and strength by connecting with other believing single adults that sharing Christian values and morals.

MoMENtum Men

MoMENtum seeks to challenge one another to be Godly husbands, father, sons, businessmen and community preservers. The Men’s Ministry offers small fellowship development, retreats, coaching and mentoring to help men “champion” every area of their lives through a brotherhood flow.

Blooming Women

The Women’s Ministry embraces the unique needs of women and the challenges of balancing each arena of life. No matter the demands of life for women the Bloom ministry provides tools, fellowship, and a whole host of tangible services to keep their gifts glowing, growing, and blooming.

Legends Senior

The “Seasoned Saints” are the most valuable and honored demographic of Growth Central. These treasures fellowship, shop, serve, and dispense wisdom that ministers to the entire ministry